Conciliating urban development and social diversity in times of housing crisis: what are the solutions ? |

In a context of changing lifestyles, climate change and housing crisis, public authorities are getting involved in various projects to adapt the built environment of major cities and increase the housing supply (greening, public transport, new districts among others). While these projects attempt to meet objectives that appear legitimate in the eyes of many, they are also often criticized for the gentrification they can lead to.
How can we invest in adaptation to climate change and increase the housing supply in major cities, while preserving social diversity ?
Renowned specialists will be brought together to discuss this current issue : Francis Cortellino (Société canadienne d’hypothèques et de logement), Catherine Fournier (Union des municipalités du Québec et Ville de Longueuil), Florian Mayneris (UQAM et CIRANO), Isabelle Melançon (Institut de développement urbain du Québec), Jean-Philippe Meloche (UdeM et CIRANO), Sébastien Parent-Durand (Alliance des corporations d’habitations abordables du territoire du Grand Montréal ACHAT). The discussions will be moderated by journalist Isabelle Ducas (La Presse).
This event is organized by the CIRANO as part of its 30th anniversary, in collaboration with Pôle Développement économique et inégalités des territoires of ESG UQAM and MixCité of Pôle sur la ville résiliente of UQAM.
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A look back at the Quebec and eco-taxation conference: Interviews
The Quebec and eco-taxation conference was a unique opportunity to present the full potential of ecofiscal measures to achieve the objectives of climate change fight and adaptation. In this video, Jean-Philippe Meloche, Fanny Tremblay-Racicot, Lyne Latulippe and Sébastien Roy review the main issues discussed at the conference. The symposium brought together a dozen speakers from the municipal research world. About a hundred people were present throughout the day.
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CIRANO's research community involved in a wide-ranging consultation by the Quebec Ministry of Finance
The Quebec Ministry of Finance conducted a wide-ranging consultation with experts from the academic, institutional and financial spheres, to identify the most promising measures to close the wealth gap between Quebec and its main business partners. A number of CIRANO researchers took part in the consultation or proposed their perspectives and possible solutions.
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Territorial dynamics of biofood in Quebec
How sectoral evolution in agricultural production has shaped Quebec's territories? In a CIRANO study, Annie Royer and Patrick Mundler, both professors at Université Laval and CIRANO researchers, and Julie Ruiz, professor at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, analyze the spatial dynamics of the bio-food sector over more than five decades, and identify the main factors behind these dynamics. This is the first study to examine the links between spatial dynamics and sectoral evolution in agriculture.
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CIRANO team presented Bourstad stock market simulation at Collège Stanislas
As part of the financial literacy month and CIRANO's activities to improve the economic and financial literacy of youth in Quebec, a team led by Paul Bourget, CIRANO Project Director, presented the activities and the Bourstad stock market simulation to a dozen high school students from Collège Stanislas. These students took part in a stock market simulation, coached by their teachers. A stimulating way to learn about the world of economics and finance!
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Geneviève Dufour moderator of a panel that brought together several ministries
On November 16, at the Forum on technology education in Quebec co-organized by CIRANO and ÉTS, the final panel of the day, moderated by Geneviève Dufour, CIRANO's Director of Major Collaborative Projects, brought together representatives from various ministries: the ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur (MES), the ministère de l'Éducation (MEQ), the ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale (MESS) and the ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie (MEIE).
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CIRANO presents at the CCTT Network's Expert Workshop 2023
On November 8, 2023, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin took part in a panel moderated by Jean-Daniel Doucet with Julien Chapdelaine and Julie Dirwimmer of the Fonds de recherche du Québec on communicating research results at the CCTT Network's Expert Workshop 2023. With Sarah Elimam, CIRANO Executive Assistant, Academic Partnerships and Special Projects, co-hosted an afternoon workshop on "How to communicate research results to public decision-makers".
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Charles Séguin appointed to Climate Change Advisory Committee
Charles Séguin, professor at the Department of Economics at ESG UQAM and CIRANO researcher, has been appointed as a member of the Advisory Committee on Climate Change. The mission of this committee is to advise the minister responsible for the fight against climate change, both in terms of adapting to climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In this way, it contributes to accelerating the transition by proposing opinions and recommendations that feed decision-making and public policy development.
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Catherine Beaudry, Trailblazer award recipient
Congratulations to Catherine Beaudry, full professor at Polytechnique Montréal, researcher and CIRANO Fellow for the Trailblazer award in the Innovation Policy category! This award is a tribute to her profound impact on the field of innovation policy and the transformational changes she has inspired.
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Thierry Warin appointed to the eminent group of experts within the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI).
Thierry Warin, professor at HEC Montreal, CIRANO Researcher and Fellow, Visiting scholar at Digital Data Design (D^3) Institute at Harvard has been appointed to the eminent group of experts within the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI). Built around a shared commitment to the OECD Recommendation on Artificial Intelligence and hosted at the OECD - OCDE , GPAI brings together engaged minds and expertise from science, industry, civil society, governments, international organizations and academia to foster international cooperation and bridge the gap between theory and practice on AI by supporting cutting-edge research and applied activities on AI-related priorities.
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Sophie Bernard curator of ZérO exhibition at the Biosphère
Sophie Bernard, professor at Polytechnique Montréal and principal investigator of the CIRANO Sustainable Development and Agrifoods theme, is curator of the exhibition "ZérO : Les arts au cœur de la transformation écologique" with Virginie Francoeur, Polytechnique Montréal. Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, professor at Polytechnique Montréal and CIRANO researcher and CEO, and Thomas Gleize, CIRANO research professional, were present at the exhibition opening, attended by the research community, artists and partners.
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Pierre-Carl Michaud in the Parliamentary Committee on Bill 35
Pierre-Carl Michaud, Professor at HEC Montréal, CIRANO researcher and Fellow, was heard at the Parliamentary Committee on November 23, 2023 on Bill No. 35, An Act concerning the implementation of certain provisions of the budget speech of March 21, 2023 and amending other provisions. He spoke about several elements of Bill 35, including the Quebec pension plan, the balanced budget legislation and the Fonds des générations.
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Official launch of the Jacques-Parizeau Research Chair in Economic Policy
The official launch of the Jacques Parizeau Research Chair in Economic Policy took place on November 14, 2023, in the presence of the Quebec Minister of Finance, members of Jacques Parizeau's family, numerous dignitaries and members of the HEC Montréal community. Under the direction of Pierre-Carl Michaud, professor at HEC Montréal, CIRANO researcher and Fellow, the Chair's mission is to analyze several major economic challenges facing Quebec.
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Workshop: Montreal Macro Brown Bag
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
The 11th edition of the joint brownbag for macro research in Montreal will take place on Tuesday December 5 at CIRANO. The Joint Montreal Macro Brownbag gives Montreal-based researchers in macroeconomics the opportunity to meet and discuss each other's work. The event bring together researchers from all economics departments in Montreal and promotes their collaboration. This edition will include 5 presentations with Paul Gomme (Concordia University, CIRANO), Marlon Seror (UQAM), Panos Margaris (Concordia University), Guillaume Sublet (UdeM) and Nora Traum (HEC Montreal, CIRANO). It was organized with the help of Sophie Osotimehin (UQAM, CIRANO) and Giacomo Candian (HEC, CIRANO). |
The future of the sustainable biofood sector and industry 4.0
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Join us for a round table of passionate experts, organized by the CÉODD Student Committee in collaboration with CIRANO, dedicated to exploring the crucial issues of sustainable biofood and potential solutions in the context of industry 4.0.
Our eminent panelists will highlight the latest advances in the sustainable transition of the biofood sector, focusing on agricultural practices to prioritize and to respect the biophysical limits of our planet. Together, we will examine the impact of digital in agriculture and share essential perspectives on how to make informed decisions to achieve an optimal balance between sustainability and accessibility. |
External Activity: GRCH Workshop
Friday, December 8, 2023
The Research Group on Human Capital will hold its seventh workshop on Friday, December 8, 2023, at the University of Quebec in Montreal. The workshop is organized by Marie Connolly, Full professors at ESG UQAM, researcher and CIRANO Fellow as well as Andrei Munteanu, professor at ESG UQAM.
The workshop is intended to promote discussion and exchanges on the theme of intergenerational mobility and its association with immigration. |
Montreal Applied Microeconomics Day
Monday, December 11, 2023
The Montreal Applied Microeconomics Day will take place on December, 11 at CIRANO. This inclusive gathering, organized by Fabian Lange, will bring together researchers from various academic institutions in Montreal who are passionate about applied economics.
This annual event is all about fostering a sense of community and collaboration among economists working on a wide range of applied microeconomic topics. The primary aim of this event is to create an environment where researchers can showcase their work, receive valuable feedback, and build meaningful connections with like-minded scholars. |
External activity: Measuring income inequality in Canada and the provinces
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
The Chair in Taxation and Public Finance, whose holder is Luc Godbout, professor at the University of Sherbrooke and CIRANO Researcher and Fellow, and the World Inequality Lab are organizing an online conference to present the results of a new study on inequalities in Canada since 1980.
On the program: Thomas Piketty, Professor at the Paris School of Economics and co-director of the World Inequality Lab, will present an introduction to the perspectives of research on inequalities. This will be followed by a presentation by Silas Xuereb, WIL, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Matthew Fisher-Post, WIL, François Delorme, WIL, CFFP, Université de Sherbrooke and Camille Lajoie, London School of Economics on the methodology and results of their study. |
The evolution of the biofood sector in the territories of Quebec
Monday, December 18, 2023
How has the sectoral evolution of agricultural production shaped the territories of Quebec ? During this seminar, authors Annie Royer (Université Laval, CIRANO), Patrick Mundler (Université Laval, CIRANO) and Julie Ruiz (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières) will present the analyzes and results of a recent CIRANO study (Royer et al. 2023) which analyzes the spatial dynamics of the biofood sector over more than five decades and identifies the main factors that explain these dynamics. This is the first study to examine the links between spatial dynamics and sectoral developments in agriculture. |
Homelessness: solutions exist and they're not just theoretical
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Launch of the book « Social Democracy, Capitalism, and Competition: A Manifesto »
Thursday, November 9, 2023
External activity : Workshop on economics and brain health
Thursday, November 16, 2023
External Activity : Virtual Roundtable " Inequality Labour Market Power in the Post-Pandemic Period"
Thursday, November 16, 2023
External activity - Québec Mines + Energy Congress: Innovative technologies and ESG
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Workshop “Experimental and behavioural research”
Wednesday, November 29, 2023