
Digital culture, information resource management, federal public administration, program evaluation, aboriginal policy, modernization strategy


A researcher and CIRANO Fellow since 2015, Daniel J. Caron holds the Chaire de recherche en exploitation des ressources informationnelles at ÉNAP, where he studies the impact of digital technologies on the functioning of government and public agencies from an information perspective. He teaches public administration and program evaluation and is also an Associate Professor at Carleton University and an Associate Research Fellow of the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital (OBVIA). He founded and co-directed the Information Governance Collection at PUQ. His career has been between research, teaching and management. He spent more than 30 years as a federal public servant in various senior positions. He holds a master’s degree in economics from Université Laval and a doctorate in applied humanities from the Université de Montréal.

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CIRANO Publications by Daniel J. Caron

As an author

1 to 5 of 7 results

État de situation, constatations et pistes de réflexion pour la transformation des services préhospitaliers vers le numérique

Daniel J. Caron, Vincent Nicolini, Alan Bernardi and Aude Motulsky


Le Québec économique 9 : Perspectives et défis de la transformation numérique

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour, Fabiano Armellini, Benoit Aubert, Catherine Beaudry, Conrad Boton, Simon Bourdeau, Mario Bourgault, Bryan Campbell, Pierre Cléroux, Jean-Claude Cloutier, Patrick Cohendet, Marie Connolly, Christophe Danjou, Daniel Forgues, Luc Godbout, Pierre Hadaya, Ben Hadj, Catherine Haeck, Georges Hage, Ivanka Iordanova, Daniel J. Caron, Carolyn J. Hatch, Laurent Joblot, Michel Magnan, Philippe Marchildon, Robert Normand, Ingrid Peignier, Robert Pellerin, Nathalie Perrier, Giulia Piantoni, Érik Poirier, Louis Rivest, Michael Robert-Angers, Annie Royer, Laurent Simon, Laurence Solar-Pelletier, Dalibor Stevanovic, Nasrin Sultana, Ekaterina Turkina, Luc Vinet, Thierry Warin, Majlinda Zhegu and 39 other authors

Innovation and Digital Transformation

Le numérique comme levier au développement régional durable

Daniel J. Caron, Vincent Nicolini and Sara Bernardi

Covid-19, Regional Development and Digital Transformation

COVID-19, Public Management and Type 1 Errors

Daniel J. Caron and Sara Bernardi

Covid-19 and Role of the State

CIRANO Projects

Identification of data sources for the construction of indicators and development of collection strategies as part of the “Reducing Illness in Quebec” project.

Daniel J. Caron, Alexandre Prud'homme


State of play, vision and digital transformation plan for the prehospital sector

État de situation, constatations et pistes de réflexion pour la transformation des services préhospitaliers vers le numérique - Publié le January 30, 2025

Daniel J. Caron, Aude Motulsky

Health, Innovation, Digital Transformation

Digital maturity model for healthcare institutions in Quebec

Daniel J. Caron

Health, Innovation, Digital Transformation

Attracting and retaining information technology talent in the health and social services sector

Daniel J. Caron, Steve Jacob

Health, Digital Transformation

Clinical staff resistance to digital transformation: key reasons and potential solutions

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Maude Laberge, Alexandre Prud'homme, Daniel J. Caron

Health, Digital Transformation

Digital as a lever for sustainable regional development

Le numérique comme levier au développement régional durable - Publié le September 3, 2020

Daniel J. Caron, Sara Bernardi, Vincent Nicolini

Digital Transformation, Regional Development

Information and data in support of government efficiency and effectiveness in the digital environment

Analyse économique des politiques informationnelles du gouvernement québécois - Publié le January 21, 2020

Daniel J. Caron, Sara Bernardi, Christian Boudreau

Digital Transformation