
Health economics, health policy, applied econometrics, applied microeconometrics


A CIRANO Associate Researcher since 2014, Mehdi Ammi is Associate Professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the Laboratoire d’économie et de gestion (CNRS and University of Burgundy), his research spans health economics, applied microeconometrics, and health policy. His research is primarily quantitative, using a variety of methods (e.g., choice experiments) and data sources (e.g., survey and administrative data). He also uses other approaches, such as synthesis and comparative case studies, to study health policy relevant questions in Canada and abroad.

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CIRANO Publications by Mehdi Ammi

As an author

CIRANO Projects

Trends and variables associated with social isolation in Quebec and the rest of Canada

Mehdi Ammi, Mohamed Belarabi


Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on perceived access to care and use of preventive services among equity populations

Mehdi Ammi, Erin C. Strumpf, Maeva Zeinab Doumbia, Oumou Keita


Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on public health expenditure on health promotion and disease prevention: short-term analysis and long-term forecast

S’attaquer aux crises épidémiologiques : oui, mais à quel prix ? - Publié le August 5, 2024

Mehdi Ammi, Erin C. Strumpf, Emmanuelle Arpin, Alexandre Prud'homme, Raphael Langevin
