
childhood & adolescence; social determinants of health; health economics; econometrics; health policy


Emmanuelle Arpin, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management, Evaluation and Health Policy (DGEPS) at the École de santé publique de l’Université de Montréal (ESPUM) and at the Centre de recherche Savoirs Partagés du CIUSSS du Nord-de-l'île-de-Montréal (NÎM). She holds a PhD in Health Services Research, specialising in health economics, from the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME) at the University of Toronto. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at McGill University in the Department of Equity, Ethics and Policy. Her research focuses on the causes and consequences of inequalities in access to healthcare in Quebec and Canada. She is particularly interested in the paediatric population, econometric methods and linked population data. Her research has been published in a number of international scientific journals, including Economics and Human Biology, SSM-Population Health, Health Policy and the Canadian Journal of Public Health.

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CIRANO Publications by Emmanuelle Arpin

As an author

CIRANO Projects

Measuring public health expenditure in Quebec and the Canadian provinces: a comparative analysis

Olivier Jacques, Emmanuelle Arpin, Alexandre Prud'homme, Emma Ben Jelili


Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on public health expenditure on health promotion and disease prevention: short-term analysis and long-term forecast

S’attaquer aux crises épidémiologiques : oui, mais à quel prix ? - Publié le August 5, 2024

Mehdi Ammi, Erin C. Strumpf, Emmanuelle Arpin, Alexandre Prud'homme, Raphael Langevin
