World Economy

World Economy

Research theme

Canada and its provinces and territories are largely integrated into global trade, finance and innovation networks. The objective of the World Economy theme is to shed light on the opportunities, challenges and risks associated with this international opening. Particular attention is paid to the feedback effects between the dynamics of businesses and the dynamics of territories in a context of globalisation, as well as their implications for public policies.

The theme is articulated around three strands. The first strand focuses on the international integration of regions and examines how the opportunities and challenges associated with globalisation (and de-globalisation) vary between regions. The main focus of this strand is therefore on the heterogeneity of regional dynamics and their influences on who wins and loses from trade integration, on the exposure of regions to foreign economic shocks, and on the economic policies that should be adopted in this context.

The second part deals with the internationalisation of firms and aims at a better understanding of the opportunities offered by international markets (in terms of buying intermediate goods and selling abroad) in order to identify the steps that allow successful international integration.

The last part deals with the field of economic complexity, i.e. how to measure the complexity of production in a globalised economy. Methodological tools are proposed, including data science tools and methods.

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Associated themes

International Development

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Strategy and International Economy

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Main researchers

World Economy

Resource person(s)

Research team

CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow
City College of New York
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Polytechnique Montréal
CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow
University of Manchester
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
HEC Montréal
CIRANO Invited Fellow
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
HEC Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow
Harvard University
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Polytechnique Montréal
CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow
University of Arkansas
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
McGill University
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
University of Ottawa
CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow
Lebanese American University
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow
Princeton University
CIRANO Researcher
École nationale d'administration publique (ÉNAP)
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
Regular Research Professional
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université Laval
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
HEC Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
HEC Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
HEC Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
HEC Montréal


1 to 10 of 87 results

Measuring Competitiveness in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Region Using a Digital Twin: A Geospatial Data Science Approach

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Martin Trépanier and Thierry Warin

World Economy

Investissement dans les innovations, croissance de la productivité totale des facteurs et commerce international des PME manufacturières québécoises

Alphonse Singbo, Cokou Patrice Kpadé and Lota Tamini

Strategy and International Economy, World Economy, Innovation and Digital Transformation

Where does our plastic waste go?

Sophie Bernard, Florence Lapointe and Julien Martin

Sustainable Development, World Economy and Environment

Les investissements directs vers l’étranger ont un effet positif sur l’emploi au Canada

Yaovi Mawuena and Julien Martin

World Economy

Où vont nos déchets plastiques ?

Sophie Bernard, Florence Lapointe and Julien Martin

Sustainable Development, World Economy and Environment

La diplomatie à l’heure de la science des données : réflexions stratégiques et perspectives

Thierry Warin, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Sarah Elimam, Molivann Panot and Jeremy Schneider

International Development, Data Sciences and Digital Transformation

Risques liés aux chaînes d’approvisionnement : réalité vécue et perceptions de la population du Québec

Thierry Warin

International Development, Economy, Strategy and International Economy and World Economy