
Household and public finance, health economics, the economic challenges of demographic change


CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2012, Vice-President Strategy and Government Relations and Principal Researcher of the Health theme, Pierre-Carl Michaud is a full professor in the Department of Applied Economics at HEC Montréal. He also holds the Jacques-Parizeau Research Chair in Economic Policy and is Scientific Director of the Institute for Retirement and Savings at HEC Montréal.

Holder of a PhD in economics from CentER, Tilburg University, his research focuses on household and public finances and policy evaluation, with an emphasis on the economic consequences of demographic change.

His work has been funded by numerous organisations and his research has been published in leading academic journals. He has received several prizes and awards for his research, including the Marcel-Dagenais Prize (SCSE) and the Esdras-Minville Prize (HEC Montréal). He is a member of the Royal Society of Canada's College of New Researchers and was awarded the Coronation Medal of King Charles III.

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CIRANO Publications by Pierre-Carl Michaud

As an author

1 to 5 of 71 results

COVID-19 Risk (Mis)Perceptions

Xavier Dufour-Simard and Pierre-Carl Michaud

Covid-19 and Health

Revenus de retraite et âge de déclenchement de la rente du RRQ

Pierre-Carl Michaud


Tax Incentives and Older Workers: Evidence from Canada

Guy Lacroix and Pierre-Carl Michaud

Taxation and Fiscal Policy and Retirement

Plan québécois des infrastructures : comparaison interprovinciale et soutenabilité

Pierre-Carl Michaud, Louis Lévesque, Marcelin Joanis, Jonathan Brasseur and Quentin Winstel

Business Cycles, Evaluation Of Projects, Programs and Public Policies and Public Finance

Combler l’écart de niveau de vie entre le Québec et ses principaux partenaires

Pierre-Carl Michaud

Economic and Fiscal Policy


As a speaker


As an organizer

CIRANO Projects

Perceptions of work incentives in Quebec

Pierre-Carl Michaud

Taxation and Fiscal Policy, Labour Market

Quebec's infrastructure plan: interprovincial comparison and sustainability

Plan québécois des infrastructures : comparaison interprovinciale et soutenabilité - Publié le December 5, 2023

Marcelin Joanis, Pierre-Carl Michaud, Louis Lévesque

Exploratory study to evaluate the incidence of COVID-19 in Quebec

Combien de personnes ont développé des symptômes ou contracté la Covid-19 au Québec ? Une étude exploratoire - Publié le January 28, 2022

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Pierre-Carl Michaud, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Ingrid Peignier


Impacts of COVID-19 on Quebec's public finances and possible solutions

La pandémie de COVID-19 et ses effets sur les finances publiques du gouvernement du Québec 2020-2035 - Publié le October 26, 2020

Pierre-Carl Michaud, Raquel Fonseca, Bertrand Achou

Public Finance

Health at the heart of Quebec's economic recovery

La santé au cœur de la relance économique du Québec - Publié le September 3, 2020

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Claude Montmarquette, Erin C. Strumpf, Mélanie Bourassa Forcier, Amélie Quesnel-Vallée, Maude Laberge, Carl-Ardy Dubois, Thomas G. Poder, Bernard Fortin, Guy Lacroix, Raquel Fonseca, Pierre-Carl Michaud, Suzanne Bisaillon, Raphaël Godefroy
