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Taxation and government programs in Quebec

What can we learn from the “Godbout Commission” and the “Robillard Commission” 10 years on?


Wednesday 26 Feb 2025
From 10AM To 5:30PM

In 2014, the Quebec government mandated two groups of experts from various backgrounds to turn over all the stones and thoroughly review the role, objectives and relevance of all tax measures and programs designed to support the missions of the Quebec state.

Ten years on, the work of the Commission d'examen sur la fiscalité québécoise and the Commission de révision permanente des programmes provides invaluable insights to inform policy and decision-making in today's economic, social and budgetary contexts.

Organized by the Chaire en fiscalité et en finances publiques (CFFP), CIRANO and the Centre sur la productivité et la prospérité - Fondation Walter J. Somers (CPP), this day of reflection will bring together several of the principal architects of these impressive tax and program evaluation exercises. They will be joined by academics, analysts, journalists and key people from government agencies with recognized expertise in these issues.

The day will be followed by a cocktail reception.


Castonguay, Joanne
Commissioner of Health and Welfare, CSBE
Coiteux, Martin
Associate Professor, HEC Montréal
Former Minister, Quebec Government
de Marcellis-Warin, Nathalie
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Full Professor, Polytechnique Montréal
Ph.D., Management Science, École normale supérieure de Cachan
Gagné, Robert
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Full Professor, HEC Montréal
Ph.D., Economics, Université de Montréal
Genest-Grégoire, Antoine
Assistant Professor, Université de Sherbrooke
Researcher, Chaire de recherche en fiscalité et finances publiques (UdeS)
Godbout, Luc
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Full Professor, Université de Sherbrooke
Ph.D., Public Law, University Aix-Marseille III
Chairholder, Chaire de recherche en fiscalité et finances publiques (UdeS)
Grammond, Stéphanie
Chief editorialist, La Presse
Haeck, Catherine
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Full Professor, École des sciences de la gestion de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (ESG-UQAM)
Ph.D., Economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Lévesque, Louis
CIRANO Invited Fellow
Former deputy minister, Government of Canada
Ms.c, Economics, Université Laval
Michaud, Pierre-Carl
Vice-President Strategy and Government Relations
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Full Professor, HEC Montréal
Ph.D., Economics, CentER, Université de Tilburg
Milette, Danièle
Member, Anges Québec
Expert Advisor, Tax specialist
Paillé, Daniel
Former Minister, Quebec Government
Robillard, Lucienne
Former Chair, Permanent Program Review Commission
Former Minister, Quebec Government
St-Maurice, Yves
Consulting Economist, Chaire de recherche en fiscalité et finances publiques (UdeS)
Tremblay, Marie-Soleil
Full Professor, École nationale d'administration publique (ÉNAP)
Ph.D., Université Laval
Tremblay, Miville
CIRANO Invited Fellow
MBA, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Vidal, Jean-Pierre
Full Professor, HEC Montréal
Full Professor, HEC Montréal
Vincent, Carole
Director of Knowledge Mobilization and Editor-in-Chief of PERSPECTIVES magazine
Ph.D., Economics, Université Laval
Webster, Alain
Full Professor, Université de Sherbrooke
President, Climate Change Advisory Committee


10:00 - 10:10
10:10 - 10:15
Welcoming Remarks
10:15 - 10:30
Background prior to the creation of the two commissions
Stéphanie Grammond
10:30 - 12:00
A review of the Commission d'examen sur la fiscalité québécoise
Luc Godbout, Danièle Milette, Yves St-Maurice, Carole Vincent, Jean-Pierre Vidal, Pierre-Carl Michaud
12:00 - 13:15
13:15 - 14:30
A review of the Commission de révision permanente de programme
Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Robert Gagné, Marie-Soleil Tremblay, Lucienne Robillard
14:30 - 14:45
14:45 - 16:00
Current and future challenges
Louis Lévesque, Joanne Castonguay, Catherine Haeck, Antoine Genest-Grégoire, Alain Webster
16:00 - 16:15
16:15 - 17:30
Reforms and political issues
Pierre-Carl Michaud, Miville Tremblay, Martin Coiteux, Stéphanie Grammond, Daniel Paillé


1130 Rue Sherbrooke O #1400, Montréal, QC H3A 2M8, Canada