
Rural development, relations between agriculture and territories, multifunctionality of agriculture, local food circuits


A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2014, Patrick Mundler is Full Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Consumer Sciences at Université Laval. He is also a a regular member of the Centre de Recherche sur le Développement Territorial (CRDT)  and the Research Group on Agriculture, Territories, and Development.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from Lumière University Lyon 2, he is is interested in the current relation between agriculture (understood as an economic and social practice that plays a determining role in the way resources are used and territories are developed) and rural, suburban, and urban spaces. This leads him to carry out research on the interplay between agriculture and territorial development or other multifaceted social demands. Topics of interest include short food supply chains, the multifunctionality of agriculture, and the ways that agricultural restructuring is shaped by territorial factors.

After teaching economics at various agricultural schools, he became a teacher and researcher at the Collège Coopératif Rhône-Alpes from 1998 to 2001. He then led from 2001 to 2012 the Department of Social Sciences and Management at ISARA-Lyon, a school of agricultural engineering. He joined the Department of Agricultural Economics and Consumer Sciences in the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences at Université Laval in January 2013.

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CIRANO Publications by Patrick Mundler

As an author

1 to 5 of 9 results

Enjeux de rentabilité et besoins des fermes de proximité en matière de commercialisation et de distribution de leurs produits

Patrick Mundler, Karima Afif, Stevens Azima, Charlotte Drouin, Pascal Genest-Richard, Simone Ubertino and 1 other authors

Agriculture and Agri-Food

Dynamiques territoriales du bioalimentaire au Québec

Annie Royer, Patrick Mundler and Julie Ruiz

Agriculture and Agri-Food

Relance de l’économie et autonomie alimentaire - Éléments de réflexions

JoAnne Labrecque, Ingrid Peignier, Henri-Paul Rousseau, Lota Tamini, Patrick Mundler, Michel Poitevin, Annie Royer, Meryem Bezzaz, Elizabeth Brisebois-Lacoste, Christophe Mondin, Molivann Panot and 6 other authors

Agriculture and Agri-Food

CIRANO Projects

Profitability issues and marketing and distribution needs of small farms

Enjeux de rentabilité et besoins des fermes de proximité en matière de commercialisation et de distribution de leurs produits - Publié le February 21, 2025

Patrick Mundler, Karima Afif, Stevens Azima, Simone Ubertino, Pascal Genest-Richard

Consulting mandate of scientific experts CIRANO: Revival of the economy and food autonomy

The Sustainability, Traceability and Succession of the Quebec Agri-Food Sector Depends on an Acceleration of Digitization - Publié le March 10, 2021

Annie Royer, Michel Poitevin, Patrick Mundler, Henri-Paul Rousseau, Ingrid Peignier, Molivann Panot, Christophe Mondin, Elizabeth Brisebois-Lacoste, Meryem Bezzaz, Bignon Aurelas Tohon


The evolution of the bio-food sector in Quebec's territories identification of the main dynamics and explanatory factors

Dynamiques territoriales du bioalimentaire au Québec - Publié le November 20, 2023

Annie Royer, Patrick Mundler, Julie Ruiz
