514-985-4000 poste 3104


Effects of technological innovation including AI on the labour market, continuing education and skills matching, social acceptability


Genevieve Dufour holds a Master's degree in Economics from the Université de Montréal, with a semester spent at Temple University in Philadelphia. She has worked as a research professional in numerous organizations including the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, the Université de Montréal and CIRANO. She also has worked as a private economic consultant on assignments leading to the writing of expert reports used, among others, in Court.

Since her return at CIRANO in 2017, she has been in charge of numerous research partnerships, including those with the Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation (MEI) on the socio-economic impacts of digital innovation and artificial intelligence, and the partnership with the Centre de recherches mathématiques CRM) on the importance of mathematics for Quebec society. In addition, she coordinated Le Québec économique 9: Perspectives et défis de la transformation numérique (2021) and Le Québec économique 10: Compétences et transformation du marché du travail (2022). She is also a member of  4POINT0 Scientific Committtee.

Her research interests focus mainly on the effects of technological innovations, labour market, training, human resources, and productivity.

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CIRANO Publications by Genevieve Dufour

As an author

1 to 5 of 19 results

Évolution de la distribution de la productivité des entreprises québécoises entre 2005 et 2019

Benoit Dostie and Genevieve Dufour

Innovation and Digital Transformation

Les salaires dans le secteur des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) : Éléments de comparaison entre le Canada et d’autres pays

Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour and Sylvie St-Onge

Skills, Labour Market and Human Resources

Améliorer les compétences en mathématiques au Québec: Cinq recommandations tirées d’En avant math !

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Molivann Panot, Genevieve Dufour and Louise Poirier

Human Capital, Skills, Education and Labour Market

État des lieux et recommandations stratégiques pour favoriser le développement des talents en mathématiques au Québec

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Genevieve Dufour, Molivann Panot and Louise Poirier

Skills, Labour Market and Digital Transformation

Stratégie de mise à niveau technologique des entreprises québécoises

Benoit Dostie and Genevieve Dufour

Innovation and Digital Transformation


As an organizer

CIRANO Projects

A comprehensive, structuring project on the state of the Quebec labor market

PROJET STRUCTURANT: Programmation de recherche à portée gouvernementale (PRPG) sur les politiques publiques et le marché de l’emploi - Publié le March 5, 2025

Benoit Dostie, Fabian Lange, Brahim Boudarbat, Marie Connolly, Luc Godbout, Genevieve Dufour

Education, Taxation and Fiscal Policy, Immigration, Innovation, Labour Market

The emerging bioeconomy: implications for the development of the Quebec labor market

Bryan Campbell, Michel Magnan, Robert Normand, Genevieve Dufour, Molivann Panot

Labour Market

The private and social returns to vocational training and college or university education in Quebec in 2020

Le rendement privé et social de la scolarité postsecondaire professionnelle, collégiale et universitaire au Québec : résultats pour 2020 - Publié le November 1, 2024

François Vaillancourt, Brahim Boudarbat, Genevieve Dufour

Primary and Secondary Teacher Training in Technology Education: Status and Recommendations

Annie Savard, Alexandre Soares Cavalcante, Heather McPherson, Amélie Poulin, Genevieve Dufour, Stéphanie Lafortune, Yasmine Gargouri

Training in economics: the state of play

Dalibor Stevanovic, Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour, Molivann Panot, Nicolas Charette

ICT Sector Compensation Study: Sources, Methodology and Data for a First Step in Comparing Quebec with Other International Jurisdictions

Les salaires dans le secteur des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) : Éléments de comparaison entre le Canada et d’autres pays - Publié le February 15, 2024

Benoit Dostie, Sylvie St-Onge, Genevieve Dufour


The socio-economic impact of international students' participation in post-secondary education in Quebec

Ali Béjaoui, François Vaillancourt, André Lemelin, Genevieve Dufour, Véronique Robichaud

Education, Immigration, Human Capital

Fiscal Policy Challenge 2022-2023

Dalibor Stevanovic, Genevieve Dufour, Sarah Elimam

Modeling of cognitive and non-cognitive determinants of pathway choice and their impact on the initial phase of the professional cycle

Les déterminants cognitifs et non-cognitifs du choix de filière et leur impact sur la phase initiale du cycle professionnel - Publié le May 21, 2024

Christian Belzil, Jörgen Hansen, Julie Pernaudet, Genevieve Dufour

Education, Labour Market

Accompaniment and scientific consultation mandate CIRANO barometer of innovation in Quebec

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Catherine Beaudry, Benoit Dostie, Pierre Mohnen, Sophie Osotimehin, Genevieve Dufour, Carole Vincent

Innovation, Economy, Human Capital, Human Resources, Labour Market

Status report and strategic recommendations to foster the development of mathematical talent in Quebec

État des lieux et recommandations stratégiques pour favoriser le développement des talents en mathématiques au Québec - Publié le February 17, 2023

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Louise Poirier, Genevieve Dufour, Molivann Panot, Laïla Oubenaïssa


Evolution of the productivity distribution of Quebec firms between 2001 and 2016

Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour

Digital Transformation

Le Québec économique 10 - Skills and the Labour Market

Le Québec économique 10: Compétences et transformation du marché du travail - Publié le March 15, 2022

Benoit Dostie, Catherine Haeck, Genevieve Dufour

Labour Market

Evolution of the productivity distribution of Quebec firms between 2001 and 2016

Évolution de la distribution de la productivité des entreprises québécoises entre 2005 et 2019 - Publié le October 15, 2024

Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour

Digital Transformation, Innovation, Human Capital, Labour Market

Fiscal Policy Challenge 2021-2022

Dalibor Stevanovic, Genevieve Dufour

The Fiscal Policy Challenge 2020-21

Dalibor Stevanovic, Genevieve Dufour

The private and social returns to university education in Quebec in 2015: focus on mathematics

Le rendement privé et social de l’éducation universitaire au Québec en 2015 - Publié le April 12, 2021

François Vaillancourt, Claude Montmarquette, Genevieve Dufour


Eliciting and developing a preference for math and science

Genevieve Dufour, Catherine Haeck


What are the skills in demand in the STEM industry, what are the unmet needs and can in-company training meet these needs?

Documenter l’évolution de la demande des compétences liées aux STIM - Publié le January 28, 2022

Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour, Mickael Deutsch-Heng, Marius Vigne

Education, Human Capital

The fiscal policy challenge 2019-2020

Dalibor Stevanovic, Genevieve Dufour

The determinants of university discipline choice. why choose a mathematical education?

Les déterminants du choix du domaine d’études universitaires. Une revue de la littérature et identification de pistes d’interventions - Publié le June 30, 2020

Claude Montmarquette, Genevieve Dufour

Education, Human Capital

Comparison of Quebec companies' strategies with those of the rest of Canada for the adoption of new digital technologies

Stratégie de mise à niveau technologique des entreprises québécoises - Publié le January 10, 2023

Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour

Digital Transformation, Innovation

Formal employment-related training in a context of digital transformation and labour shortage: state of play

La formation liée à l’emploi dans un contexte de transformation numérique: état de la situation - Publié le October 22, 2021

Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour

Digital Transformation, Labour Market, Education, Human Resources

The adoption of ia's solutions in quebec: current situation - how are companies preparing?

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Genevieve Dufour

Innovation, Digital Transformation

Le Québec économique 9 - Digital Transformation and Innovative Public Policies

Le Québec économique 9 : Perspectives et défis de la transformation numérique - Publié le January 13, 2021

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Benoit Dostie, Marcelin Joanis, Genevieve Dufour

Digital Transformation, Innovation

Secular Evolution of the Wage Profile as a Function of Age and Polarization: A Comparative Analysis of the Quebec, Canadian and U.S. Labour Markets

Évolution séculaire du profil des salaires en fonction de l’âge : Québec, Canada et États-Unis - Publié le September 1, 2020

Raquel Fonseca, Benoit Dostie, Étienne Lalé, Genevieve Dufour

Labour Market, Human Capital

Fiscal Policy Challenge 2019-2020

Dalibor Stevanovic, Genevieve Dufour

Public Finance

The degree of competitiveness of the agri-food sector in the age of the Internet

Compétitivité du secteur agroalimentaire à l’heure du commerce électronique - Publié le December 10, 2019

JoAnne Labrecque, Maurice Doyon, Raymond Dupuis, Genevieve Dufour

Agriculture, Regional Development, Innovation, Digital Transformation