12 February 2025

Jason Robert Guertin member of the Health Economics Methods Advisory group

Jason Robert Guertin, assistant professor at Université Laval and CIRANO researcher, has been appointed as a member of the Health Economics Methods Advisory (HEMA) group, an international committee focusing on methodological developments in health economic evaluation.

The HEMA group was set up by the heads of three health technology assessment organisations (Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER), based in the United States; Canadian Medicines Agency (CDA-AMC); National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in England). It will undertake independent assessments of some of the most pressing health economics methods topics, such as considerations of dynamic efficiency and dynamic pricing in economic models, use of novel or nontraditional value elements in cost-effectiveness analysis, integration of health equity considerations in quantitative analysis and deliberation, and more.

The working group will include representatives from each of the three countries, with a diversity of expertise and viewpoints.

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