

Research theme

The research activities under the main theme Territories deal with the relationship between space and society. They are concerned with the development and governance of territories, including both densely populated urban areas and rural and remote regions. The projects carried out under this theme cover various dimensions, including municipal affairs, regional development, infrastructure and transport.

The human occupation of territories is the result of private and public investment, the deployment of infrastructure, and the creation or location or relocation of jobs. This reality is often studied through regional or sectoral analyses. The movement of goods and people between territories is associated with transport and mobility. Territorial public policies also involve several levels of government, from the municipal to the national level, which multiplies the possibilities for research partnerships.

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Associated themes

Municipal Affairs

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Regional Development

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Industrial Cluster

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Main researchers


Resource person(s)

Research team

CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Polytechnique Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Postdoctoral Researcher
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
HEC Montréal
CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow
University of Fribourg
Polytechnique Montréal
CIRANO Researcher
Université Laval
Attachée of the CEO - Academic Partnerships and Special Projects
Attachée of the CEO - Academic Partnerships and Special Projects
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Polytechnique Montréal
CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow
University of Arkansas
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
CIRANO Researcher
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université Laval
CIRANO Researcher
HEC Montréal
Senior Director of Partnerships and Research Valorization
Senior Director of Partnerships and Research Valorization
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow
SKEMA Business School
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
HEC Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
HEC Montréal
CIRANO Associate Researcher
Cornell University


1 to 10 of 105 results

Encadrer les livraisons à domicile : pas aussi simple qu’il n’y paraît

Jean-Philippe Meloche, François Vaillancourt, Martin Trépanier, Brigitte Milord and Feriel Grine


Encadrer les livraisons à domicile pour réduire les impacts négatifs du commerce de détail électronique dans les villes

Jean-Philippe Meloche, François Vaillancourt, Martin Trépanier, Brigitte Milord and Feriel Grine


Investir dans la transition écologique des villes tout en préservant la mixité sociale, est-ce possible?

Florian Mayneris

Regional Development and Inequality and Poverty

Répercussions socio-démographiques et retombées fiscales de la réhabilitation et de la mise en valeur du lieu historique national du Canal-de-Lachine

Kristian Behrens, Florian Mayneris and Marlon Seror

Regional Development, Taxation and Fiscal Policy and Territories

Nighttime light pollution and economic activities: A spatio-temporal model with common factors for US counties

Georges Bresson, Jean-Michel Etienne and Guy Lacroix

Economy, Environment and Territories

Les propriétaires de maisons ont-ils raison de craindre l’arrivée de logements sociaux dans leur quartier ?

Jean Dubé, François Des Rosiers and Nicolas Devaux

Inequality and Poverty, Infrastructures and Territories

Analyse des préférences des résidents-propriétaires de la ville de Québec pour l’aménagement de bassins de rétention à proximité

Maurice Doyon, Stéphane Bergeron and Jacinthe Cloutier

Municipal Affairs and Environment

Towards a multi-stakeholder Intermodal Trade-Transportation Data-Sharing and Knowledge Exchange Network

Alain Dudoit, Molivann Panot and Thierry Warin

Data Sciences and Transport

Analyse de la gentrification urbaine dans l'agglomération de Montréal et regard particulier sur les secteurs traversés par la ligne rose

Kristian Behrens, Julien Martin and Florian Mayneris

Municipal Affairs, Sustainable Development, Infrastructures and Transport